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Int 21 Fn 83  - European MS-dos 4.0 - "partition" - Get/set Foreground Pa  [D]

   AH = 83h
   AL = function
       00h get size
       01h set new size
       BX = new size in paragraphs

Return: CF clear if successful
       BX = current size (function 00h) or old size (function 01h)
   CF set on error
       AX = error code (01h,07h,0Dh)(see AH=59h)
Desc:  specify or determine how much memory may be allocated by the foreground

Note:  if the partition size is set to 0000h, no partition management is done
     and all memory allocation is compatible with DOS 3.2.
   the partition size can be changed regardless of what use is being made
     of the changed memory; subsequent allocations will follow the
     partition rules (foreground processes may allocate only foreground
     memory; background processes allocate background memory first, then
     foreground memory)

See Also: AH=48h,AH=4Ah

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